Premium Coaching Package
£85 per month
Key features: goal setting, athlete profiling including lifestyle audit, skills analysis, fitness analysis, which will be utilised to create a periodised training programme that is built to your requirements and around your commitments. Training programme to be delivered to the athlete on a TrainingPeaks Premium account weekly, with unlimited alterations to plan following feedback, testing, or for when life just gets in the way. Weekly feedback on completed training sessions and a monthly call/ Skype training review with coach. Unlimited coach contact via email or whats app, package also includes 10% discount on one to one coaching services.
This package is suitable for those that prefer more coach interaction or support with a more flexible approach as they build towards their event (novice through to advanced athlete).
One off training plans
Price on application.
A progressive training programme built for your specific event. These plans are delivered by TrainingPeaks Basic account and include no alterations/ coach contact once set. These plans are designed for athletes that want consistency and structure in their training without committing to a coaching programme . They are also a great indication to the type of session you would undertake as a coached athlete.